Épica i Singular 2.0: Transhumanism 1º Part



Èpica i Singular 2.0 is the second edition of the workshop Épica i Singular in which young people looking for a job will receive  inspiring masterclasses and technical training to improve their abilities to reach the working market through a performing experience.

People connected to Kalliópê during the performance will receive actions, multimedia content or effects on their smartphones
People connected to Kalliópê during the performance will receive actions, multimedia content or effects on their smartphones

Candidates elegible must be between 18 and 29 years old, nor working or studying at the moment. During 6 months, participants enroll a co-creating theatrical project leaded by La Fura dels Baus and other invited professionals. This provides a more appealing way of involving into work streams for young people, and includes the learning of audiovisual techniques and and construction specialties related to the world of performance (vertical work, structure assembly, etc.).

The program also includes guidance on job search and contracting processes. Besides, counseling for entrepreneurial projects in the creative industry sector, the construction sector, the media sector or other sectors.

In order to apply the new insights acquired, students must perform a final show.In this edition, the central theme was transhumanism, an international cultural and intellectual movement whose ultimate goal is to transform the human condition through the development and manufacture of widely available technology, which improve human capabilities, both physically and psychologically or intellectually.

During the development Kalliópê was part of the show helping students to carry out both their actions and their interactions with the public. This is the result of the first show:

Kalliópê helps to support the performance with extra content
Kalliópê helps to support the performance with extra content
Kalliópê is designed for all audiences
Kalliópê is designed for all audiences